Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Stuck in a rut?


Ever been in that place where it's ground hog day every day?  The days that seem to spread effortlessly into weeks and then months and maybe if we're really unfortunate, years.  I call this Ground Hog Treacle Land because I like to make up silly names. 

It's days when life feels like we’re walking through sticky treacle that even when the sugar surge comes pounding through our gut we wouldn’t dream of eating because we don’t have the energy to bend?

We know the days in Ground Hog Treacle Land when we look at people but we don’t really register them because their faces, even though we once liked them, are now part of the monotony, the endless boring monotony of an endlessly boring life.  These faces belong to people who once excited us because they were new, fresh and interesting and even though they don’t deserve it sometimes we snap at them and vent our suppressed feelings if they let us.   

Most of the time though it takes too much energy so we can’t be bothered and in any case we realise that some of them look like they’re in Ground Hog Treacle Land too, and like us, can barely smile any more.

The thing about Ground Hog Treacle Land is that it’s a place that gets so familiar that when or if our exhausted bored mind allows us to think beyond the drudgery, we realise we quite like it.  Somehow we’ve become so loyal to our boredom and dissatisfaction that we’d find the energy to justify it when an unwitting somebody highlights the fact that we don’t look happy.    

We like the fact that we’re functioning like programmed robots because most of the people we know are doing the same thing.  Some souls who live in Ground Hog Treacle Land still have the energy to plaster a fake smile and make pleasant noises but many more of us find the energy to cuss (even if in our head or under our breath) at everyone and everything that threatens the normality of our Land.  

We like the fact that there are so many inhabitants in Ground Hog Treacle Land and that we’re not alone as our bodies are transported to and from home, around the house, in our cars, on the street.  We gaze into the faces of all those others moaning about their lives and the sacrifices and unhappiness that have to be part of life.  Then one day (if we’re lucky) we realise we’re exhausted.  Truly and completely exhausted of the trudge.  The treacle is getting thicker and each step, unbearably hard.  We realise we’re well and truly stuck in Ground Hog Treacle Land and we realise we hate it.  Now you’d think the thought would have come hurtling to our mind before, but no…it’s only then when the exhaustion has made us ill, we’ve been faced with disaster, we’ve gone stir crazy or we’re gasping for breath that we realise we have no choice but to STOP and take stock.  And it’s then in glaring reality lit up with neon lights that we realise I’M FED UP! 

I’m fed up of the bloody treacle clinging to my feet that I can’t eat!  I’m fed up of rivalling K9.  I’m fed up of the drudgery that induced a very uncomfortable sleep even when I was awake.  I’m fed up being the same and conforming to a life that has no thrill, no spice, no excitement, no interest, no joy.  I’m fed up of the half-life that I willingly participated in because I thought Ground Hog Treacle Land was where I needed to be.   

So I STOP!   

Okay I can’t just leave the job, or the partner or the home or any other circumstance I find myself in, but I can WAKE UP, open my eyes and decide what I really want.  The me, the unique individual that I am gets the chance to decide if Ground Hog Treacle Land is where I want to be, is it what I really deserve and then I set about getting the courage to stay awake, hose down the bloody treacle so it can’t keep me stuck and make the life I really want even if it’s going to take some time.

Good-bye Ground Hog Treacle Land, I’m not stuck in a rut with you anymore!


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