Saturday, March 16, 2013

Killer admits Stephen Lawrence's murder

Gary Dobson admits his part in the killing of Stephen Lawrence!

Unquestionably Stephen Lawrence’s family and those connected to them have suffered greatly fighting for their rightful claim to justice!  Twenty long painful years unable to rest and find peace because justice was not done!  Twenty long years subjected to the flagrant denial of the truth!  Twenty long years maintaining the willpower to fight the system that would have preferred the matter gather dust like so many other unsolved crimes.

This very, very emotive case has continued to infiltrate the lives and consciousness of so many of us for all these years and will continue to do so even if and when full justice is done and all parties admit their part in this crime.  The horror of the Lawrence family to face the killing of their beautiful son and the agonizing insult to have his life and circumstances of his death disregarded, belittled and distorted by lies and injustice is a SHAME on our society. 

But is there hidden in this tragedy a message for us all?


Could it be that this shameful story has been kept alive so the rest of us are reminded to be vigilant that there are some people who actually believe they are superior to others.  That there are people who continue to hold the strings of power that can be manipulated to their own end.  That there people who believe peoples of different colour, culture, gender etc., are inferior are not worthy of consideration. 

From this has risen a star and that star continues to shine brightly even though (as is the case with all stars) it must surely blink from time to time.  Each blink I surmise allowing the inevitable need to face the pain, the torment, the anger. 

                                     Doreen Lawrence for me is that star.

I don’t know her personally but I thank her.   I thank her for keeping the light shining on what could have died so many years ago…The injustice and belittling of the significance of human life.  

                       This is a tiny tip at the top of the iceberg. 

There are many more injustices in our world that are happening RIGHT NOW as I type and as you read!   
                                We can do our bit to STOP it! 


             By shining light on those who choose to harm others.  

The more stars that shine 
the less space there is for darkness to hide.

It’s NEVER too late!

LB xxx

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Help I’m Pregnant-Now I’ve given birth!

Hi there,

So here we are.  You’ve delivered (hopefully with the help of competent people) a brand new HUMAN BEING that makes the noise of a cat or a bagpipe being squeezed, poops the colour of peas and vomits stale milk.  Your nether regions smart and ache, your breasts quadruple and feel continually moist, your back might ache, piles have piled up courtesy of the final push and then, from nowhere reality sets in.

Now this reality you’ve never experienced before (how could you, you’re a new parent)! This reality follows the euphoria of holding your baby for the first time and it creeps up slowly without you realising it’s there. 

The reality:      OMG  now I AM a parent! 
                        OMG this miniature being with its spasmodic jerks and drool relies on ME.
                        OMG am I going to do this right?
                        OMG I don’t know what the heck I’m doing!

It’s then that you realise that NOONE…..NOONE….NOONE told you it was going to be like this!  All those women who called themselves family or friend conspired to keep you ignorant of the reality, you wouldn’t (at that moment) have created if you knew it’d be this bad!

The gorgeous thing looks through squinted eyes at you and its only conversation is whining morse code that somehow you’re forced to learn through trial and error (with the emphasis on error). 

The gorgeous thing doesn’t care that you’re so tired you haven’t the energy to wash let alone hoist a brush to your hair. 
The gorgeous thing sleeps peacefully as you obsess whether breathing is still evident. 
The gorgeous thing relies on ME for its well being, its survival, its happiness. 

Then the biggest shock emerges from the creeping reality I referred to earlier and slam dunks you with:  OMG  OMG  OMG  OMG….

It’s now that you realise you face the most daunting responsibility you’ll ever have.  The most IMPORTANT job you’ll ever do and there’s NO MANUAL and no TRAINING. 

What was the point of all those books, those television programmes, those magazines, those chats with the mid wife, the reassurance of them all including friends and family and the lady next door with six snotty nosed youngsters?

Suddenly despite all your supposed preparation you HAVE to face the fact:
You still don’t have a CLUE what you’re doing.  Most of the day is taken up with finding the energy to prevent the word: USELESS from encroaching your mind.  Then the crying starts.  You can’t prevent it.  Everything, but everything is conspiring to open the door to the word you’re now too exhausted to fight….I’m useless and I haven’t got a clue!

NOONE knows how you’ll feel (you’ve bagged your own unique set of emotions)!

If you’re lucky enough to have someone (who’s experienced) to help you, all of the above can be eased a little even though your thoughts make you feel like you alone are the ONLY mother in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE  feeling like you!


Don’t believe it for a minute!
The majority of new mothers feel EXACTLY the SAME.
Because there’s NO manual, NO training and NO experience to have prepared you.  The fact that you might feel out of your depth means you’ve recognised you have a lot to learn and that’s a GOOD THING. 

I took solace in knowing my poor son, chose me to be his mother and accepted and loved me as I bungled through with the most important intention: To love him and do the best I could. 

PS:  He’s 32 and lives to tell the tale and I became sooooo brave I had baby No.2 AND baby No.3!!

LB xxx