Saturday, January 12, 2013

Book writing for the novice

I am new to this world even though I have been writing for some time now and have spent literally months researching the Do’s, Don’ts, Should’s and Shouldn’ts of self publishing which I will share in a series of blogs to offer what I can to anyone who is in the same position as me. 

I honestly thought that just writing my first novel Theft of Hearts would be the greatest challenge…You know the challenge of the blank word document on the screen that has to be filled with words, plots, sub plots and a story you haven’t got a clue about because it hasn’t evolved yet! 

I’m an author I kept reminding myself...I can do this!  After all it’d been my dream from the time I was young…If JK Rowling and EL James could do it, so could I!  I’d convinced myself that the world wanted my thoughts.  I’d been consumed by my desire to share, share, share my gift but all I had was an idea…an idea with no substance or form.  As time went on I was gratefully satisfied that the story was taking shape and I'd written the first fifty pages then suddenly I was aware that to justify calling it a novel I’d need to write thousands of words and at least three hundred pages and then I was back to square one with the panic and question...Will I make it to the end and even if I do, am I really any good at this?

Now in between this process there came the writer’s block!  I’d heard about it…seen many films where an irate actor chucks piles of screwed up paper into the over flowing bin whilst swigging copious amounts of alcohol before falling asleep on the typewriter or laptop…but I didn’t know what it was until it hit me!  Suddenly the words that were flowing into my mind with lightening speed; the words that quickened the pace of my heart with the excitement of what my imagination was conjuring up, suddenly they DISAPPEARED!…They literally disappeared and on more than one occasion!! 

I’d stared out of the window, at the wall, the floor anywhere to find the silly words that refused to return!! I drank lots of tea and coffee (left the alcohol because a giddy writer’s block wouldn’t help matters at all)….I’d paced the floor….Went for a walk to clear my head (something I heard could help) but then panic hit again!!!  Oh no...I’m a fake, I can’t write!! Who was I kidding? I bet this never happened to JK or EL!!! 

There was nothing more to it….I HAD TO GIVE UP!  I decided I'd pretend I never started in the first place…thankfully only a few chosen people were given the privilege of sharing my dream…my failure was in trusted hands.  Then ‘it’ happened.  The ‘it’ that wouldn’t leave me alone.  The ‘it’ that kept niggling…Go on…You can do it!...Go on…’it’s’ in your blood, you know you want to.  You know you can’t give up!...

In short the ‘it’ got the better of me and added to which ‘it’ was prodded aggressively by my daughter who refused to accept my self induced failure and before I knew it I was sitting in front of the laptop with renewed confidence that I could do ‘it’.   

And yes, many months later the novel was finished…I’d OVERCOME the CHALLENGES and I couldn’t have felt prouder or for that matter, smugger...I’d written a book!

End of story?
Oops 'fraid not, this is only the beginning of the tale!

Now another challenge looms…Have I written a good story?...Does it even make sense?...Will anyone like it?....How will I publish it?…..How will I market it so the world gets to see my creation?...What if...?

Whilst this blog doesn't give specific, practical help (I promise I'll share those later) the 4 important steps to becoming a writer are:

1.  BELIEVE you can
2.  BELIEVE the world wants to hear what you have to say
3.  BELIEVE you will overcome the many challenges

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