Do you have a natural urge to win? To be the best? To get the prize? To carry the trophy or the badge that sets you above the rest? To have the adulation of your peers, your family, your friends?
Many of us are like this naturally.
Many more of us are encouraged to be like this.
The world has evolved, grown and great accomplishments achieved because of competitive spirit. The spirit that propels us to grow- achieve, grow-achieve, grow-achieve. This is imprinted in the mindset of nations and is the stuff of success.Success
Are you a success? The best in whichever field of endeavour? The person who got the prize? The person receiving the adulation of your peers, your family, your friends?
You must be gifted and blessed in relation to what you've achieved.
Many more of us are encouraged to be like you.
FAILUREDo you feel you're a failure? Never succeeding in the field of your endeavour? The person who never gets the prize? The person you believe no one looks up to?
You don't feel gifted and blessed (enough) in relation to what you want to achieve.
Now, if the majority of us are feeling like we've failed or can't be the winner should we look at and redefine what we consider success to be. After all the majority rules, doesn't it? So, if we do, should we be redefining success to be the following:
SUCCESS IS: When we have developed the confidence and trust that the world will offer many things, some we will excel in some we won't.
When we realise we don't have to pass the finish line first because there can only be one or a few winners in a race or competitive game but the participants are equally winners because without them there would be no race or game or winner.
When we know everything we do is of value in determining who we will become and we're free to choose what that is.
When we believe that when we do OUR BEST, we've succeeded.
Knowing that those who encourage us to beat the next man in order to win, have their own agenda they want us to fulfill probably because they can't.
Having the courage to discover who we are through the experience of variety and thinking creatively.
Recognizing that failure is an ESSENTIAL part of success. How could we know success if we don't know failure?
Expecting the world to be a much fairer, happier, balanced place where we can ALL WIN because we recognize our importance in the game.
People confident enough to know that they will find their niche, their unique gift and talent to share with the world.
Perhaps we could sum up success to be:
LB xxx
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