Thursday, January 17, 2013

Book writing



You have a great idea and you want to share it with the world, where do you begin?

1.    Do you want to write free hand on a pad?

PROS: You can write anywhere.

CONS:  You have to transcribe your work in typed form.

2.    Do you want to use a word document on a computer?

PROS:  You can see your document in typed form.  You can edit, spellcheck, delete etc.

CONS:  You could be encumbered if your typing skills aren’t good.

3.    Do you want to dictate into a Dictaphone?

PROS:  You can talk your own thoughts without interrupting your flow.

CONS:  You still have to go back to the typing/editing stage.

Once you’ve decided on how you’ll record your story the next step is brainstorming (your own brain).  To do this, identify words or sentences that will remind you of salient points you might want to use.  At this stage don’t worry about grammar/spelling and don’t worry if you never use anything from your list because one thing’s guaranteed, your story will evolve and change.  Go with the flow and allow your ideas to come without your interference. 

What’s the title of your book?

Think of your book as a sandwich.  You have two slices of bread and the filler in the middle.

1.     The top slice is the introduction of main characters and plots.  This is where you spread the butter (as thickly as you can) because from here the filler will sit comfortably.

2.     The filler is the main focus of the story. (What’s the point of the book) 

3.     The bottom slice is the conclusion (How the story ends-what happens to the main characters etc.)

Now the above is a simplification of a basic structure because within each category new characters/settings/plots might emerge and you’ll discover that as the story develops.  You might also find that the beginning, middle and end merge a bit but that doesn’t really matter provided the key elements are in place.

Here’s a rough idea of how to begin to develop your story. (Remember at this stage jot down words or notes to prompt you later).  Enjoy allowing your imagination to run free, you can gather it all together later.

Names of primary characters. 

What they look like, their ages, ethnicity, temperament etc.

What will be the initial setting for our story?

Words to describe the setting

How will you introduce the first plot/issue/leader for the main story?

What will the main part be about?

Other characters and any other sub plots/issues etc.

Describe roughly

What’s the ending going to be like?

Sad, triumphant, cliff hanger etc.?

What will the ending be about?

This preliminary stage to writing your story should help you to identify your enthusiasm for the project and you might want to start writing your story straight away.  If you do, go for it!  If you don’t let time be your friend.

My final tips are:

DO NOT EXPECT PERFECTION because you’re bound to be disappointed. 

ENJOY the wonders of your imagination.  If you don’t who will? 

BELIEVE you can create a wonderful story, and you will no matter how long it takes. 

ASSUME your readers will be aliens and won’t know anything you’re talking about so describe, describe, describe.  Unless of course you don’t want to!

I wish you luck.

LB xxx

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