Inbred in our human DNA is the instinct to survive. In a world that's now highly competitive and
stressful many of us need all the help we can get to keep going, to maintain
positivity when the odds seem stacked against us. We need to be reminded of our need to make
renewed affirmations that we will succeed.
We will climb that mountain.
We will win the race. We will
be noticed, noted, recognised, emulated, adored. We’ll live in the lap of luxury or if our
aims aren’t so grand we’ll be able to pay those pesky bills (easily) and have
some left over for the little luxuries we can afford.
What many of us don’t realise however is before we can
succeed we have to determine our relationship with success. By this I mean, do we really feel worthy of it? Now that might seem like the strangest thing
to ask when we’re hyping and punching the air with our positive “let’s go conquer the world statements”, but
deep down some of us are scared.

Now failure is something many of us get. We get it, because it
often lurks in the shadows and depending on how good we get at affirming our
positive success mantras and rejecting any possibility of failure its shadow
can pounce if our mood is low or we’ve encountered the last straw, the
rejection, the frustration, the brick wall!
We’re told don’t think of failure only
success…success…success. Failure must be
rejected and abhorred because to even consider it would mean torment and
pain; a worthless, unfulfilled life where
we're subjected to watch only the few who shine brightly under the
spotlight of worldly success. The failures scrabble about in the darkness as
they search relentlessly for that elusive light! What we don't realise is that when we become so scared of failing, with the greatest will in the world we'll find ourselves drawn back to the wretched thought of it or exhausted by having to pretend it's not there.
So what can we do?
How's about looking at what we perceive to be failure, acknowledge that if it comes we're being given a new opportunity to diversify or explore another route, grab the opportunity that our perceived failure brings.
Do you want success?
Recognise that failure is the flip side of the success coin.
Recognise that success is relative to you and you alone and should not be dictated by others who often have their own game plan.
Recognise that you can shine under your spotlight of success
if you have tried and done your best.
ACKNOWLEDGE that success as a human being is determined by
the love you have for yourself and the love you share with others.
Here's to SUCCESS!
LB xxx
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PS. If you enjoy reading my blogs please LIKE me on facebook.
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