Monday, January 28, 2013

Words are Powerful


Even though it happened nearly two months ago, news about the two Australian DJ’s whose prank call to the London Hospital where Kate Middleton was admitted, continues to hit the headlines.  The news now, that their radio show has been axed but they get to keep their jobs.

There appears to be moral indignation and disgust in some camps as to the culpability of these two people.   Whilst we ought not to underestimate the sad news that has suggested the nurse who took the call committed suicide as a result of a prank by the two DJ’s, the chance that this is the only reason, is possibly slim.  I surmise that to take one’s life is the last, desperate action of someone who has quite simply had enough.  To have had enough…would suggest that other challenges and difficulty may have been present and the person could take no more.

Now this is probably the last thing anyone directly involved in this tragic situation might want to hear but I suggest that the two DJ’s in question could gain some comfort from the knowledge that their prank and their use of words to distort the truth has served us all. 

If we care to think about it, many of us hand on heart have used words carelessly, hurtfully and also to distort the truth even if it’s the white lie we so often excuse ourselves for.  It appears clear that the DJ’s didn’t intend the reaction and consequence of their words, but that is as it is...There is a consequence for what we say and do.  This consequence affects every man and woman living on this planet whether the consequence is good, bad or indifferent. 

These incidents and use of words affect us all.

Most of us have been given the gift of speech to project our feelings and thoughts through the words we use to convey the latter.   We’re given different ways to project these words, the most common: 
Written and Spoken.

Now if we took a moment, we would understand the power of this.  

Words + written or oral projection = POWERFUL PROJECTED WORDS

My condolences go to the family of the nurse who must still be grieving and the DJ’s who will probably live with their mistake for a very long time.  For me, I give my thanks that I’ve been given the opportunity to remember to think carefully and project my words wisely but like the DJ’s the only snag is I’m a flawed human, but I’ll try!

Please read my blog: SUICIDE for my perspective on suicide.

LB xxx

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