Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Is gun control enough?


Before I start, I can’t stress adequately in words my complete compassion for the families that are now enduring the absolute horror of losing their loved ones in brutal, unexpected ways.  The horror at the deaths of the children and adults killed in America and around the world all the more compounded by the recent Christmas celebrations which should have been a time where we reacquaint ourselves with the innocence of birth and the beauty of the lives we’ve been blessed with. 
The unimaginable pain and loss now etched indelibly on the minds of those at the heart of this and the many other tragedies around our world can never be underestimated particularly as the bereft must surely have endured such torment and pain during what should have been a joyous occasion. 

Many of us are now in a spin, confused, angry and devastated as the world empathises with this pain.  Who wouldn’t be when confronted with the senselessness of taking lives needlessly in such horrific ways?  People are killing each other and we’re confused and shocked but is it now again time to take stock and ask why.  Is it just the 'crazy' people who're responsible?   

Now I know the majority of us don't go around toting a gun, raping or purposely hurting people but many of us are (justifiably so) scared about the world we live in and frightened by all the things happening outside of our control.  From this standpoint many of us stand in judgement of the crazies and dysfunctional people in the world as we’re reminded even more that we’re powerless to prevent the atrocities that invade our lives. 

So what can we do?
Give in and accept what so many of us detest?
Try to shift our understanding of what might be happening?

Now I’m aware there are no simple answers that will satisfy us all, but are we however all simply being asked to recognise the dysfunction and pain that is prevalent in the lives of so many in our world who then make choices to harm others?

Many of us think the atrocities are ‘out there’ and we're just affected by the awful news, which we're not responsible for because we haven't done anything.  Whilst the majority of us aren’t directly responsible and most of us wouldn’t dream of harming others, are these atrocities asking us to remember and consider:

We live in One world?
We breathe One air?
We come from One source? 

If the former is agreed with, it must surely suggest that what affects any one of us....HAS to affect every one of us!

Whilst we may detest the actions of those who kill and harm others and hate them for what they're doing, we still end up with the question why?

My suggested answer may seem simplistic but here it is:

Could it be because as One collective human kind we are being called upon to look honestly and without bias at the root causes of Our problems remembering compassion and understanding for all?

 If you think NO, I'd ask:

Has lack of compassion, understanding, retaliation, increased fear and separation worked so far?  Let’s face it, if it had would things not be getting better instead of worse?

These tragedies come (whether we like it or not) to make us all to wake up, face the truth and work harder to send compassion most importantly to the victims (and those directly connected to them) but also to the many who are abusing, harming and causing havoc in our world. 

Whilst this might be the very last thing we want to do because we're angry and we're not in a position to influence direct change what can we do?

We can send send healing through our thoughts and our belief that they CAN be healed, that our World CAN be a glorious place of love and beauty.  It also starts in the heart of our own lives and the people connected to us.

Again, I acknowledge this may seem too simple and ineffective particularly if we don't recognize the power in our thoughts but if we don't try to do what we can, this will not stop.  We'll continue to witness carnage and destruction and it WILL get worse.  It's the choice of each of us to do, or not do our bit regardless of how crazy my suggestion might seem.

Want to share your thoughts? 

LB  xxx

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